2009-06-13 06:25:27 UTC
Eating Fat for Satiety
6/4/2009 10:03:00 AM
NORWICH, UK—Scientists at the Institute of Food Research designed
a fatty formulation that can make you feel fuller for a longer period
of time.
When the fat remains stable in the acid environment of the stomach,
empties into the small intestine more slowly and increases satiety.
“This formulation could be used as an ingredient in new foods to make
them more filling, which in turn could help reduce overconsumption of
calories,” said Dr Martin Wickham from the Institute of Food
The findings mean it is possible to produce two meals with the same
content but different satiety effects.
So if you're going to eat fat, it is possible for that fat to be
present in a way
that makes you feel fuller.
The satiating effect lasts for 12 hours after the initial meal.
The most common form of fat in processed foods is an emulsion of
dispersed oil droplets.
If these oil droplets are engineered to remain stable during
digestion, this
alters the gut hormones that are produced in response to food.
These hormones are the signal produced by the gut to the brain to
the desire to eat.
Volunteers were fed a fatty test meal comparable in volume to a large
conventional meal.
The volunteers’ stomachs were imaged in real time until they looked
Scientists from the University of Nottingham used an ultra-fast type
of MRI
scanning called echo-planar imaging.
The unstable emulsion quickly separated into water and fat and the
The volume of the meal in the stomach emptied rapidly.
The watery part of the meal emptied into the small intestine first,
followed by
the floating fatty layer.
After one hour the volume was nearly half that of the stable meal.
The volunteers’ sense of fullness, appetite and hunger was monitored
at hourly
intervals for twelve hours.
The stable emulsion meal made subjects feel fuller, less hungry and
have less
appetite compared to the unstable meal.
Blood samples were also taken and showed a higher concentration of
particles following the stable meal.
“Our research proves it is possible to design oil-in-water emulsions
with different
behaviours in the gut to influence gastrointestinal physiology and,
satiety,” said Dr Luca Marciani from the University of Nottingham.
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!
6/4/2009 10:03:00 AM
NORWICH, UK—Scientists at the Institute of Food Research designed
a fatty formulation that can make you feel fuller for a longer period
of time.
When the fat remains stable in the acid environment of the stomach,
empties into the small intestine more slowly and increases satiety.
“This formulation could be used as an ingredient in new foods to make
them more filling, which in turn could help reduce overconsumption of
calories,” said Dr Martin Wickham from the Institute of Food
The findings mean it is possible to produce two meals with the same
content but different satiety effects.
So if you're going to eat fat, it is possible for that fat to be
present in a way
that makes you feel fuller.
The satiating effect lasts for 12 hours after the initial meal.
The most common form of fat in processed foods is an emulsion of
dispersed oil droplets.
If these oil droplets are engineered to remain stable during
digestion, this
alters the gut hormones that are produced in response to food.
These hormones are the signal produced by the gut to the brain to
the desire to eat.
Volunteers were fed a fatty test meal comparable in volume to a large
conventional meal.
The volunteers’ stomachs were imaged in real time until they looked
Scientists from the University of Nottingham used an ultra-fast type
of MRI
scanning called echo-planar imaging.
The unstable emulsion quickly separated into water and fat and the
The volume of the meal in the stomach emptied rapidly.
The watery part of the meal emptied into the small intestine first,
followed by
the floating fatty layer.
After one hour the volume was nearly half that of the stable meal.
The volunteers’ sense of fullness, appetite and hunger was monitored
at hourly
intervals for twelve hours.
The stable emulsion meal made subjects feel fuller, less hungry and
have less
appetite compared to the unstable meal.
Blood samples were also taken and showed a higher concentration of
particles following the stable meal.
“Our research proves it is possible to design oil-in-water emulsions
with different
behaviours in the gut to influence gastrointestinal physiology and,
satiety,” said Dr Luca Marciani from the University of Nottingham.
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!