2009-08-24 18:23:42 UTC
Howdy you 'orrible lot :) I'm still alive, kicking with all of my
extremeties still attached.
Quit smoking for the 2nd time on sunday and this time i'm sticking with
it - no 'smoking girlfriend' around to drag me back to it.
Quit drinking for the first time at the same time, have been far too
used to sinking a bottle with increasing regularity.
Anyway onto the good news, no more laser treatment for a long time now
and back onto 12 month scans which is good. Hba1c just gone was 5.8 so
pretty happy about that with a cholesterol of 3.8.
Now that I feel my bloody sugar is sorted it's time to do something
about the slowly increasing waistline. X trainer for 30 minutes a day,
15 in the morning and 15in the evening is what i'm aiming for along with
an evening meal low enough in carbs and crap to allow me to almost cut
out novorapid and keep my blood sugar stable in the evenings with a
reduced dose of Porcine Isophane which will allow me to exercise as much
as I want and not run the risk of going hypo over night. I've done my
thinking and this seems to be the only way to get aerobically fit, burn
some fat and lose some weight whilst maintaining good diabetic control
by using a combination of diet, excercise and medication with the
emphasis less on the medication.
Anyway it's day two of that plan and so far, the weetabix / bran flakes
/ crunchy nut cornflakes I had for tea have had almost no impact on a
blood sugar that started at 5.5 mmol/l. I'm now going to have a 'normal'
evening and test again later on to see what goes on. It's going to be a
bit of tinkering with insulin doses, food amounts and excercise type /
duration but i reckon it will be worth it in the end.
There is no way I could even have attempted to work at this without the
knowledge gained here so I hope you're all in good health and still
around even if you're in hiding from the trolls.
extremeties still attached.
Quit smoking for the 2nd time on sunday and this time i'm sticking with
it - no 'smoking girlfriend' around to drag me back to it.
Quit drinking for the first time at the same time, have been far too
used to sinking a bottle with increasing regularity.
Anyway onto the good news, no more laser treatment for a long time now
and back onto 12 month scans which is good. Hba1c just gone was 5.8 so
pretty happy about that with a cholesterol of 3.8.
Now that I feel my bloody sugar is sorted it's time to do something
about the slowly increasing waistline. X trainer for 30 minutes a day,
15 in the morning and 15in the evening is what i'm aiming for along with
an evening meal low enough in carbs and crap to allow me to almost cut
out novorapid and keep my blood sugar stable in the evenings with a
reduced dose of Porcine Isophane which will allow me to exercise as much
as I want and not run the risk of going hypo over night. I've done my
thinking and this seems to be the only way to get aerobically fit, burn
some fat and lose some weight whilst maintaining good diabetic control
by using a combination of diet, excercise and medication with the
emphasis less on the medication.
Anyway it's day two of that plan and so far, the weetabix / bran flakes
/ crunchy nut cornflakes I had for tea have had almost no impact on a
blood sugar that started at 5.5 mmol/l. I'm now going to have a 'normal'
evening and test again later on to see what goes on. It's going to be a
bit of tinkering with insulin doses, food amounts and excercise type /
duration but i reckon it will be worth it in the end.
There is no way I could even have attempted to work at this without the
knowledge gained here so I hope you're all in good health and still
around even if you're in hiding from the trolls.