Anne Marshall
2008-11-04 14:59:38 UTC
Where to start? Well I'm training up to run London Marathon for Diabetes UK
and after reading a book called "Running Well" went to my GP to get the
"ok". He gave the "ok" with very few questions asked so I'm not that happy
really (he didn't even know what distance a marathon was!!!and he was
supposedly the resident diabetes expert in the practice).
He said I may actually need <more> metformin (currently 500 mg x 3 times
daily) whilst training or may need to go onto insulin - why? Currenly I'm
running gentle (6 mph) training runs on undulating ground (I live in a very
hilly city with lots of hills around) of between 2 to 6 miles three to four
times a week and building up the distance gradually over the weeks (this
doesn't really describe in detail what I'm doing with heart monitor, times
and distances - basically keeping within a comfort zone which is expanding
as the weeks go by).
Am I in more danger of developing lactic acidosis on the metformin because
I'm running now (and you can get a build-up of lactic acid in muscles after
extreme exercise anyway although to counter this I make sure I don't run at
sprint pace or too breathless to speak).
Anyone got any experience of running with diabetes?
I've lost some weight (was 11 st now 9 st 12 oz) which would normally make
by blood sugars lower, however I seem to have increased from a norm of
around 5-6 before meals to 6.8 ish most times unless I completely skip
breakfast (and that metformin) and have just 2 meals a day.
and after reading a book called "Running Well" went to my GP to get the
"ok". He gave the "ok" with very few questions asked so I'm not that happy
really (he didn't even know what distance a marathon was!!!and he was
supposedly the resident diabetes expert in the practice).
He said I may actually need <more> metformin (currently 500 mg x 3 times
daily) whilst training or may need to go onto insulin - why? Currenly I'm
running gentle (6 mph) training runs on undulating ground (I live in a very
hilly city with lots of hills around) of between 2 to 6 miles three to four
times a week and building up the distance gradually over the weeks (this
doesn't really describe in detail what I'm doing with heart monitor, times
and distances - basically keeping within a comfort zone which is expanding
as the weeks go by).
Am I in more danger of developing lactic acidosis on the metformin because
I'm running now (and you can get a build-up of lactic acid in muscles after
extreme exercise anyway although to counter this I make sure I don't run at
sprint pace or too breathless to speak).
Anyone got any experience of running with diabetes?
I've lost some weight (was 11 st now 9 st 12 oz) which would normally make
by blood sugars lower, however I seem to have increased from a norm of
around 5-6 before meals to 6.8 ish most times unless I completely skip
breakfast (and that metformin) and have just 2 meals a day.