2008-01-07 04:20:04 UTC
Why has Islam continued to be so successful in the modern world?
Praise be to Allaah.
Islam continues to be successful in the developed world, and
elsewhere, because its call is in accordance with the fitrah or
natural inclinations of mankind, and it advocates the best of human
values, such as tolerance, love, mercy, truthfulness and sincerity.
Islam educates people and lifts them up to righteous conduct, good
manners and virtue. Its call is distinguished from others by its
realism, balance and moderation. Islam pays due attention to both the
soul and the body. It neither suppresses physical desires nor allows
extravagance in this regard; it makes a distinction between the
natural inclination to enjoy the pleasures of this world and
desires that come under the heading of depravity and perversion.
People embrace Islam because they find security, comfort and peace in
it, they see a cure for their problems in it, and through it they are
able to get rid of their feelings of confusion, anxiety and loss.
Islam is the religion of the fitrah, the natural inclination or
pattern on which Allaah has created mankind. For this reason, people
of sound minds and upright inclinations embrace Islam, as Abu
(may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'There is no child
who is not born in a state of fitrah (i.e., Islam), then his parents
make him into a Jew, a Christian or a Magian (Zoroastrian), just as
animals produce whole animals (i.e., the animals are born perfect
no part of their bodies missing). Do you find any born with their
cut off?'" Then Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "
'... Allaah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made
mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allaah:
that is the Standard Religion...' [al-Room 30:30 - interpretation of
meaning - Yusuf Ali's translation]." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 1359).
What is meant is that Allaah has created mankind with the potential
learn the truth, accept Tawheed (pure monotheism) and submit to
Allaah. Their natural inclination is to learn Islam and love it, but
bad education, a kaafir (disbelieving) environment, their own whims
and desires and the devils among jinn and mankind turn them away from
the truth. Mankind is basically inclined towards Tawheed (pure
monotheism), as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) reported that his Lord (Allaah) said: "I created all my slaves
'hunafa' (pure monetheists), but the devils turned them away from
their religion." (Reported by Muslim). For this reason the one who
becomes a Muslim after having been a disbeliever is described as
having "reverted" to Islam, as this is more correct than saying that
he "converted." When Islam enters a country where there is no
nationalism or great legacy of jaahiliyah (ignorance), it spreads
quickly because of its strength and the small number of obstacles.
may also see that Islam is suitable for all people, educated and
uneducated, male and female, old and young; everyone finds in it what
he wants and needs. Those who become Muslim in developed countries
realize what their country's civilization and laws, which have been
fabricated from men's whims and desires, have done to them, and they
realize the extent of the misery in which people in developed
countries are living. They see how prevalent psychological illnesses,
nervous breakdowns, insanity and suicides are, despite the
technological advances and great number of discoveries and inventions
and modern systems of management. This is because all of that is
concerned only with the physical and the outward, but it neglects the
inward and fails to nourish and nurture the heart and soul. Allaah
says of these people (interpretation of the meaning): "They know only
the outside appearance of the life of the world, and they are
of the Hereafter." [al-Room 30:7]
Islam will continue to succeed, with the permission of Allaah, so
as those who work for its sake are sincere and its followers adhere
it and believe in it, and apply its laws.
The fact that there are those who are not committed or who fall short
will not prevent Islam from succeeding, with the permission of
and nothing can distort its beauty. Its light will not falter because
some people abandon it or fail to adhere to it. What Islam has given
humanity in the way of progress and civilization, and lifting them up
from the darkness of oppression and enmity, is pride enough.
Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Why has Islam continued to be so successful in the modern world?
Praise be to Allaah.
Islam continues to be successful in the developed world, and
elsewhere, because its call is in accordance with the fitrah or
natural inclinations of mankind, and it advocates the best of human
values, such as tolerance, love, mercy, truthfulness and sincerity.
Islam educates people and lifts them up to righteous conduct, good
manners and virtue. Its call is distinguished from others by its
realism, balance and moderation. Islam pays due attention to both the
soul and the body. It neither suppresses physical desires nor allows
extravagance in this regard; it makes a distinction between the
natural inclination to enjoy the pleasures of this world and
desires that come under the heading of depravity and perversion.
People embrace Islam because they find security, comfort and peace in
it, they see a cure for their problems in it, and through it they are
able to get rid of their feelings of confusion, anxiety and loss.
Islam is the religion of the fitrah, the natural inclination or
pattern on which Allaah has created mankind. For this reason, people
of sound minds and upright inclinations embrace Islam, as Abu
(may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'There is no child
who is not born in a state of fitrah (i.e., Islam), then his parents
make him into a Jew, a Christian or a Magian (Zoroastrian), just as
animals produce whole animals (i.e., the animals are born perfect
no part of their bodies missing). Do you find any born with their
cut off?'" Then Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "
'... Allaah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made
mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allaah:
that is the Standard Religion...' [al-Room 30:30 - interpretation of
meaning - Yusuf Ali's translation]." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 1359).
What is meant is that Allaah has created mankind with the potential
learn the truth, accept Tawheed (pure monotheism) and submit to
Allaah. Their natural inclination is to learn Islam and love it, but
bad education, a kaafir (disbelieving) environment, their own whims
and desires and the devils among jinn and mankind turn them away from
the truth. Mankind is basically inclined towards Tawheed (pure
monotheism), as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) reported that his Lord (Allaah) said: "I created all my slaves
'hunafa' (pure monetheists), but the devils turned them away from
their religion." (Reported by Muslim). For this reason the one who
becomes a Muslim after having been a disbeliever is described as
having "reverted" to Islam, as this is more correct than saying that
he "converted." When Islam enters a country where there is no
nationalism or great legacy of jaahiliyah (ignorance), it spreads
quickly because of its strength and the small number of obstacles.
may also see that Islam is suitable for all people, educated and
uneducated, male and female, old and young; everyone finds in it what
he wants and needs. Those who become Muslim in developed countries
realize what their country's civilization and laws, which have been
fabricated from men's whims and desires, have done to them, and they
realize the extent of the misery in which people in developed
countries are living. They see how prevalent psychological illnesses,
nervous breakdowns, insanity and suicides are, despite the
technological advances and great number of discoveries and inventions
and modern systems of management. This is because all of that is
concerned only with the physical and the outward, but it neglects the
inward and fails to nourish and nurture the heart and soul. Allaah
says of these people (interpretation of the meaning): "They know only
the outside appearance of the life of the world, and they are
of the Hereafter." [al-Room 30:7]
Islam will continue to succeed, with the permission of Allaah, so
as those who work for its sake are sincere and its followers adhere
it and believe in it, and apply its laws.
The fact that there are those who are not committed or who fall short
will not prevent Islam from succeeding, with the permission of
and nothing can distort its beauty. Its light will not falter because
some people abandon it or fail to adhere to it. What Islam has given
humanity in the way of progress and civilization, and lifting them up
from the darkness of oppression and enmity, is pride enough.
Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid