Low Zinc And High Iron Equals Diabetes
(too old to reply)
2009-01-29 01:33:03 UTC
In this study they find a low zinc intake linked to diabetes.
They also find the HIGHER the zinc the LOWER the iron and the LESS
diabetes there is.
Iron competes with zinc in the body.

"Inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio"

Sooo .. it kind of makes sense the use of iron chelating picolinic
acid WITH zinc .. zinc picolinate .. would be an effective insulin
mimetic / treatment for diabetes.
The zinc displaces the iron and the chelator removes the iron.

I got a bridge for sale ..

A Prospective Study of Zinc Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in
Women.Diabetes Care. 2009 Jan 26.
Sun Q, van Dam RM, Willett WC, Hu FB.
From the Departments of Nutrition (QS, RWCW, and FBH) and of
Epidemiology (WCW and FBH), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,
MA; the Channing Laboratory (RMD, WCW, and FBH), Department of
Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.

The aim of this study is to investigate the intake of zinc in relation
to risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. women.
Research design and methods-
Dietary intakes of zinc and other nutrients were assessed and updated
using of a validated food frequency questionnaire from 1980 to 2002
among 82,297 women who were aged 33-60 years at baseline in 1980 and
followed up to 2004 in the Nurses' Health Study.
During the 24 years of follow-up, 6,030 incident cases of type 2
diabetes were ascertained. After adjustment of lifestyle and dietary
risk factors, the relative risks of type 2 diabetes (95% CI) comparing
the highest with the lowest quintiles were 0.90 (0.82, 0.99, P(trend)
= 0.04) for total zinc intake and 0.92 (0.84, 1.00, P(trend) = 0.009)
for dietary zinc intake from food sources, respectively. We further
found an inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio.
After multivariate adjustment of covariates, the relative risks (95%
CI) across quintiles of this ratio were 1.0 (reference), 0.93 (0.86,
1.01), 0.86 (0.79, 0.94), 0.82 (0.75, 0.90), and 0.72 (0.66, 0.80; P
(trend) < 0.0001), respectively.
Higher zinc intake may be associated with a slightly lower risk of
type 2 diabetes in women. More studies are warranted to confirm this
association and to explore potential mechanisms.

PMID: 19171718

Here they mix zinc with maltol ANOTHER iron chelator .. and then they
also .. mix zinc with allixin ANOTHER iron chelator found in garlic.

"Potent candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes"

The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes.
Biometals. 2005 Aug;18(4):319-23.
Sakurai H, Adachi Y.
Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University, 5 Nakauchi-oho, Misasagi, Japan.
***@mb.kyoto phu.acjp

In developing new insulinomimetic zinc(II) complexes with different
coordination structures and with a blood glucose-lowering effect to
treat type 2 diabetic animals, we found a potent bis(maltolato)zinc
(ll) complex, Zn(mal)(2).
Using the complex as the leading compound, we examined the in vitro
and in vivo structure-activity relationships of Zn(mal)(2) and its
related complexes in respect to the inhibition of free fatty acids
(FFA) release and the enhancement of glucose uptake in isolated rat
adipocytes treated with epinephrine (adrenaline), and hypoglycemic
Among the compounds tested, a new Zn(II) complex with allixin that was
isolated from garlic, bis(allixinato)Zn(II), Zn(alx)(2), was found to
exhibit the highest insulin-mimetic and hypoglycemic activities in
type 2 KK-A(y) diabetic mice.
On the basis of the results, Zn(alx)(2), complex was proposed to be
a .

PMID: 16158223

Normalizing Effect of Zinc(II) Complex with 6-Ethoxy Picolinic Acid on
Blood Glucose Levels in KK-A'y' Mice
Biomed Res Trace Elem

We examined normalizing effect for blood glucose levels of zinc(II)
complex with 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (Zn(6-EtOpa)2) on KK-A'y' mice
which used in this study as the model animals of type 2 diabetes, and
compared with its ligand, 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (6-EtOpa).
These mice were divided into three groups after the onset of diabetes
at 8 weeks of age, which were an untreated group, a 6-EtOpa treated
group, and a Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group.
They were given daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of each
material for a period of 2 weeks from 8th to 10th week of ages.
The dose of Zn(6-EtOpa)2 was 3 mg Zn/kg of body weight.
Each animal was examined for its body weight, food intake, blood
glucose level, glucose tolerance, HbA1c level, hematological status,
organ weight, and zinc and copper concentrations in the organs.
After 2 weeks of administration, the blood glucose level of KK-A'y'
mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed a significant decrease compared
to both of the 6-EtOpa and control groups.
Furthermore, the mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed decreasing
effect on HbA1c levels and increasing effect on glucose tolerance.
Zinc (II) concentration in the femur was significantly increased in
the Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group compared to the both of 6-EtOpa and
control groups.
Copper concentration was decreased significantly in both of femur and
femoris muscle.

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!

2009-01-29 14:33:22 UTC
Diabetes is not caused by iron levels. Iron levels might be associated
in some manner when diabetes is in place. Too many of your posts and
ideas fail for this failure to distinguish cause and effect.
Robert Miles
2009-01-30 06:45:22 UTC
Post by a***@nowhere.you.know
Diabetes is not caused by iron levels. Iron levels might be associated
in some manner when diabetes is in place. Too many of your posts and
ideas fail for this failure to distinguish cause and effect.
Hemochromatosis, which results in very high iron levels, sometimes
causes diabetes also. However, you appear to be answering
someone who is mistaken about what fraction of diabetes cases
are caused by hemochromatosis, and is therefore usually ignored
on the diabetes newsgroups.




There are also some diabetics with iron deficiency. The
person you seem to be answering doesn't seem to be able
to explain those.
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2009-01-30 09:06:57 UTC
It remains smarter to simply eat less, down to the right amount, in
order to lose the VAT and possibly be cured of the type-2 diabetes:


How to not be fearful:


May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
2009th year since the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our Messiah,
the Son of Man ...

... by being hungrier:


Hunger is wonderful ! ! !

It's how we know the answer to the question "What does Jesus
want?" (WDJW):


Yes, hunger is our knowledge of good versus evil that Adam and Eve
paid for with their and our immortal lives:


"Blessed are you who hunger NOW...

... for you will be satisfied." -- LORD Jesus Christ (Luke 6:21)


Here is a Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 6:21 given in hopes of
promoting much greater understanding:


Trust the truth, Who is Jesus (T3WIJ):


Be hungrier, which is truly healthier:


Marana tha

Prayerfully in the awesome name of our Messiah, LORD Jesus Christ,

Andrew <><
"... no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor


What does Jesus want (WDJW) ?

2009-01-30 12:33:24 UTC
On Jan 29, 10:45 pm, "Robert Miles" <***@bellsouthNOSPAM.net>
wrote: The person you seem to be answering doesn't seem to be able
to explain those. <<

You know Robert .. you seem to be a little short on intelligence .. so
I will dumb it real far down for ya ..

Up until last year every doctor in the world said all diabetics are
iron deficient.


This year they say every diabetic has free floating iron in the body.

EVERY diabetic ..

Soooo.. since there is no iron deficiency .. WHERE are these iron
deficient diabetics .. ?

Gone ..

Soooo .. contrary to your .. "no explanation" .. the explanation is
the no iron deficiency ..

NO .. iron deficiency ..

Soooo .. if you need an explanation for something that doesn't
exist ..?

Maybe ask why you were born with such .. a .. small .. dck ..

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!

2009-01-30 13:48:55 UTC
"Up until last year every doctor in the world said all diabetics are
iron deficient.


This year they say every diabetic has free floating iron in the body.

EVERY diabetic .."

Happy to entertain sources for either claim. Such black and white
assertions as "every" is why your credibility is close to zero. It is
also why one can safely assume you know next to nothing about diabetes.
2009-01-30 22:41:05 UTC
On Jan 30, 5:48 am, ***@nowhere.you.know wrote: snip <<

Rich Murray ..

Start a dioxin thread ..

We haven't seen a dioxin thread in awhile ..

How come we haven't seen a dioxin thread .. ?

Dioxins are GOOD for ya ..

Dioxins are like vitamin C ..

Only for the big boys ..

You take a deep drag .. and blow smoke rings ..

Thats what the big boys dooo .. with .. the dioxins ..

Understand .. little man ..

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!


2009-01-29 15:12:10 UTC
In this study they find a low zinc intake linked to diabetes.
They also find the HIGHER the zinc the LOWER the iron and the LESS
diabetes there is.
Iron competes with zinc in the body.

"Inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio"

Sooo .. it kind of makes sense the use of iron chelating picolinic
acid WITH zinc .. zinc picolinate .. would be an effective insulin
mimetic / treatment for diabetes.
The zinc displaces the iron and the chelator removes the iron.

I got a bridge for sale ..

A Prospective Study of Zinc Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in
Women.Diabetes Care. 2009 Jan 26.
Sun Q, van Dam RM, Willett WC, Hu FB.
From the Departments of Nutrition (QS, RWCW, and FBH) and of
Epidemiology (WCW and FBH), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,
MA; the Channing Laboratory (RMD, WCW, and FBH), Department of
Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.

The aim of this study is to investigate the intake of zinc in
to risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. women.
Research design and methods-
Dietary intakes of zinc and other nutrients were assessed and updated
using of a validated food frequency questionnaire from 1980 to 2002
among 82,297 women who were aged 33-60 years at baseline in 1980 and
followed up to 2004 in the Nurses' Health Study.
During the 24 years of follow-up, 6,030 incident cases of type 2
diabetes were ascertained. After adjustment of lifestyle and dietary
risk factors, the relative risks of type 2 diabetes (95% CI)
the highest with the lowest quintiles were 0.90 (0.82, 0.99, P(trend)
= 0.04) for total zinc intake and 0.92 (0.84, 1.00, P(trend) = 0.009)
for dietary zinc intake from food sources, respectively. We further
found an inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio.
After multivariate adjustment of covariates, the relative risks (95%
CI) across quintiles of this ratio were 1.0 (reference), 0.93 (0.86,
1.01), 0.86 (0.79, 0.94), 0.82 (0.75, 0.90), and 0.72 (0.66, 0.80; P
(trend) < 0.0001), respectively.
Higher zinc intake may be associated with a slightly lower risk of
type 2 diabetes in women. More studies are warranted to confirm this
association and to explore potential mechanisms.

PMID: 19171718

Here they mix zinc with maltol ANOTHER iron chelator .. and then
also .. mix zinc with allixin ANOTHER iron chelator found in garlic.

"Potent candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes"

The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes.
Biometals. 2005 Aug;18(4):319-23.
Sakurai H, Adachi Y.
Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University, 5 Nakauchi-oho, Misasagi, Japan.
***@mb.kyoto phu.acjp

In developing new insulinomimetic zinc(II) complexes with different
coordination structures and with a blood glucose-lowering effect to
treat type 2 diabetic animals, we found a potent bis(maltolato)zinc
(ll) complex, Zn(mal)(2).
Using the complex as the leading compound, we examined the in vitro
and in vivo structure-activity relationships of Zn(mal)(2) and its
related complexes in respect to the inhibition of free fatty acids
(FFA) release and the enhancement of glucose uptake in isolated rat
adipocytes treated with epinephrine (adrenaline), and hypoglycemic
Among the compounds tested, a new Zn(II) complex with allixin that
isolated from garlic, bis(allixinato)Zn(II), Zn(alx)(2), was found to
exhibit the highest insulin-mimetic and hypoglycemic activities in
type 2 KK-A(y) diabetic mice.
On the basis of the results, Zn(alx)(2), complex was proposed to be
a .

PMID: 16158223

Normalizing Effect of Zinc(II) Complex with 6-Ethoxy Picolinic Acid
Blood Glucose Levels in KK-A'y' Mice
Biomed Res Trace Elem

We examined normalizing effect for blood glucose levels of zinc(II)
complex with 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (Zn(6-EtOpa)2) on KK-A'y' mice
which used in this study as the model animals of type 2 diabetes, and
compared with its ligand, 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (6-EtOpa).
These mice were divided into three groups after the onset of diabetes
at 8 weeks of age, which were an untreated group, a 6-EtOpa treated
group, and a Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group.
They were given daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of each
material for a period of 2 weeks from 8th to 10th week of ages.
The dose of Zn(6-EtOpa)2 was 3 mg Zn/kg of body weight.
Each animal was examined for its body weight, food intake, blood
glucose level, glucose tolerance, HbA1c level, hematological status,
organ weight, and zinc and copper concentrations in the organs.
After 2 weeks of administration, the blood glucose level of KK-A'y'
mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed a significant decrease compared
to both of the 6-EtOpa and control groups.
Furthermore, the mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed decreasing
effect on HbA1c levels and increasing effect on glucose tolerance.
Zinc (II) concentration in the femur was significantly increased in
the Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group compared to the both of 6-EtOpa and
control groups.
Copper concentration was decreased significantly in both of femur and
femoris muscle.

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!

2009-01-29 19:22:11 UTC
Guessing does not improve by repeating. Iron does not cause diabetes.
Higher levels can be seen in diabetics as an effect of having the
disease. Mistaking cause and effect ruins a vast number of your posts
and ideas you guess based on them.

Had you basic training in logic and science you would not waste so much
time on the cause and effect question.
Phil Aypee
2009-01-29 21:47:59 UTC

If you really think logic will sway loonies then carry on - but it won't.
The simple logic that clearly proves that diabetes isn't caused by obesity
(or overweight) eludes non-specialists and politicians - and they're not
*all* loonies.

Take care,
"Time wounds all heels."
2009-01-30 00:41:50 UTC
On Jan 29, 1:47 pm, Phil Aypee <***@Bramley.Surrey.UK.invalid>
If you really think logic will sway loonies then carry on <<

I think I will ..

Logically loon .. the study found .. ?

Iron chelators IN **every** drug they use in diabetes ..

Logically you have iron in the picture .. possibly .. because .. ?
You have ONGOING .. NIH clinical trial of iron depletion in
diabetes ..

You say .. bah humbug EVERYONE looking at iron INCLUDING the funded
and recruiting clinical trial are .. loooons ..

Based on YOUR .. ? .. what .. to say such a BOLD .. statement .. ?

Logic .. ?

I don't think so .. its based on encephalopathy and edema of the
brain ..

Check it out ..

Your head slightly gets larger .. your eyes bug out a bit ..

Then you start talking irrationally ..

In this study they find a low zinc intake linked to diabetes.
They also find the HIGHER the zinc the LOWER the iron and the LESS
diabetes there is.
Iron competes with zinc in the body.

"Inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio"

Sooo .. it kind of makes sense the use of iron chelating picolinic
acid WITH zinc .. zinc picolinate .. would be an effective insulin
mimetic / treatment for diabetes.
The zinc displaces the iron and the chelator removes the iron.

I got a bridge for sale ..

A Prospective Study of Zinc Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in
Women.Diabetes Care. 2009 Jan 26.
Sun Q, van Dam RM, Willett WC, Hu FB.
From the Departments of Nutrition (QS, RWCW, and FBH) and of
Epidemiology (WCW and FBH), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,
MA; the Channing Laboratory (RMD, WCW, and FBH), Department of
Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.

The aim of this study is to investigate the intake of zinc in
to risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. women.
Research design and methods-
Dietary intakes of zinc and other nutrients were assessed and updated
using of a validated food frequency questionnaire from 1980 to 2002
among 82,297 women who were aged 33-60 years at baseline in 1980 and
followed up to 2004 in the Nurses' Health Study.
During the 24 years of follow-up, 6,030 incident cases of type 2
diabetes were ascertained. After adjustment of lifestyle and dietary
risk factors, the relative risks of type 2 diabetes (95% CI)
the highest with the lowest quintiles were 0.90 (0.82, 0.99, P(trend)
= 0.04) for total zinc intake and 0.92 (0.84, 1.00, P(trend) = 0.009)
for dietary zinc intake from food sources, respectively. We further
found an inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio.
After multivariate adjustment of covariates, the relative risks (95%
CI) across quintiles of this ratio were 1.0 (reference), 0.93 (0.86,
1.01), 0.86 (0.79, 0.94), 0.82 (0.75, 0.90), and 0.72 (0.66, 0.80; P
(trend) < 0.0001), respectively.
Higher zinc intake may be associated with a slightly lower risk of
type 2 diabetes in women. More studies are warranted to confirm this
association and to explore potential mechanisms.

PMID: 19171718

Here they mix zinc with maltol ANOTHER iron chelator .. and then
also .. mix zinc with allixin ANOTHER iron chelator found in garlic.

"Potent candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes"

The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes.
Biometals. 2005 Aug;18(4):319-23.
Sakurai H, Adachi Y.
Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University, 5 Nakauchi-oho, Misasagi, Japan.
***@mb.kyoto phu.acjp

In developing new insulinomimetic zinc(II) complexes with different
coordination structures and with a blood glucose-lowering effect to
treat type 2 diabetic animals, we found a potent bis(maltolato)zinc
(ll) complex, Zn(mal)(2).
Using the complex as the leading compound, we examined the in vitro
and in vivo structure-activity relationships of Zn(mal)(2) and its
related complexes in respect to the inhibition of free fatty acids
(FFA) release and the enhancement of glucose uptake in isolated rat
adipocytes treated with epinephrine (adrenaline), and hypoglycemic
Among the compounds tested, a new Zn(II) complex with allixin that
isolated from garlic, bis(allixinato)Zn(II), Zn(alx)(2), was found to
exhibit the highest insulin-mimetic and hypoglycemic activities in
type 2 KK-A(y) diabetic mice.
On the basis of the results, Zn(alx)(2), complex was proposed to be
a .

PMID: 16158223

Normalizing Effect of Zinc(II) Complex with 6-Ethoxy Picolinic Acid
Blood Glucose Levels in KK-A'y' Mice
Biomed Res Trace Elem

We examined normalizing effect for blood glucose levels of zinc(II)
complex with 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (Zn(6-EtOpa)2) on KK-A'y' mice
which used in this study as the model animals of type 2 diabetes, and
compared with its ligand, 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (6-EtOpa).
These mice were divided into three groups after the onset of diabetes
at 8 weeks of age, which were an untreated group, a 6-EtOpa treated
group, and a Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group.
They were given daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of each
material for a period of 2 weeks from 8th to 10th week of ages.
The dose of Zn(6-EtOpa)2 was 3 mg Zn/kg of body weight.
Each animal was examined for its body weight, food intake, blood
glucose level, glucose tolerance, HbA1c level, hematological status,
organ weight, and zinc and copper concentrations in the organs.
After 2 weeks of administration, the blood glucose level of KK-A'y'
mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed a significant decrease compared
to both of the 6-EtOpa and control groups.
Furthermore, the mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed decreasing
effect on HbA1c levels and increasing effect on glucose tolerance.
Zinc (II) concentration in the femur was significantly increased in
the Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group compared to the both of 6-EtOpa and
control groups.
Copper concentration was decreased significantly in both of femur and
femoris muscle.

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!

2009-01-30 00:35:08 UTC
On Jan 29, 11:22 am, ***@nowhere.you.know wrote:
snip <<

This anonymous little btch is .. rich murray .. everyone know rich
murray .. the little dioxin btch . ?

He is here to tell you your great grandmother fireplace caused your
diabetes and you're going to die .. horribly because of it ..

Tell murray to go fk himself ..

Thats what a smart man would do ..

I think I'll do it twice .. murray go fk yourself .. murray go fk
yourself ..

In this study they find a low zinc intake linked to diabetes.
They also find the HIGHER the zinc the LOWER the iron and the LESS
diabetes there is.
Iron competes with zinc in the body.

"Inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio"

Sooo .. it kind of makes sense the use of iron chelating picolinic
acid WITH zinc .. zinc picolinate .. would be an effective insulin
mimetic / treatment for diabetes.
The zinc displaces the iron and the chelator removes the iron.

I got a bridge for sale ..

A Prospective Study of Zinc Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in
Women.Diabetes Care. 2009 Jan 26.
Sun Q, van Dam RM, Willett WC, Hu FB.
From the Departments of Nutrition (QS, RWCW, and FBH) and of
Epidemiology (WCW and FBH), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,
MA; the Channing Laboratory (RMD, WCW, and FBH), Department of
Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.

The aim of this study is to investigate the intake of zinc in
to risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. women.
Research design and methods-
Dietary intakes of zinc and other nutrients were assessed and updated
using of a validated food frequency questionnaire from 1980 to 2002
among 82,297 women who were aged 33-60 years at baseline in 1980 and
followed up to 2004 in the Nurses' Health Study.
During the 24 years of follow-up, 6,030 incident cases of type 2
diabetes were ascertained. After adjustment of lifestyle and dietary
risk factors, the relative risks of type 2 diabetes (95% CI)
the highest with the lowest quintiles were 0.90 (0.82, 0.99, P(trend)
= 0.04) for total zinc intake and 0.92 (0.84, 1.00, P(trend) = 0.009)
for dietary zinc intake from food sources, respectively. We further
found an inverse association for dietary zinc to heme iron ratio.
After multivariate adjustment of covariates, the relative risks (95%
CI) across quintiles of this ratio were 1.0 (reference), 0.93 (0.86,
1.01), 0.86 (0.79, 0.94), 0.82 (0.75, 0.90), and 0.72 (0.66, 0.80; P
(trend) < 0.0001), respectively.
Higher zinc intake may be associated with a slightly lower risk of
type 2 diabetes in women. More studies are warranted to confirm this
association and to explore potential mechanisms.

PMID: 19171718

Here they mix zinc with maltol ANOTHER iron chelator .. and then
also .. mix zinc with allixin ANOTHER iron chelator found in garlic.

"Potent candidate for the treatment of type 2 diabetes"

The pharmacology of the insulinomimetic effect of zinc complexes.
Biometals. 2005 Aug;18(4):319-23.
Sakurai H, Adachi Y.
Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto
Pharmaceutical University, 5 Nakauchi-oho, Misasagi, Japan.
***@mb.kyoto phu.acjp

In developing new insulinomimetic zinc(II) complexes with different
coordination structures and with a blood glucose-lowering effect to
treat type 2 diabetic animals, we found a potent bis(maltolato)zinc
(ll) complex, Zn(mal)(2).
Using the complex as the leading compound, we examined the in vitro
and in vivo structure-activity relationships of Zn(mal)(2) and its
related complexes in respect to the inhibition of free fatty acids
(FFA) release and the enhancement of glucose uptake in isolated rat
adipocytes treated with epinephrine (adrenaline), and hypoglycemic
Among the compounds tested, a new Zn(II) complex with allixin that
isolated from garlic, bis(allixinato)Zn(II), Zn(alx)(2), was found to
exhibit the highest insulin-mimetic and hypoglycemic activities in
type 2 KK-A(y) diabetic mice.
On the basis of the results, Zn(alx)(2), complex was proposed to be
a .

PMID: 16158223

Normalizing Effect of Zinc(II) Complex with 6-Ethoxy Picolinic Acid
Blood Glucose Levels in KK-A'y' Mice
Biomed Res Trace Elem

We examined normalizing effect for blood glucose levels of zinc(II)
complex with 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (Zn(6-EtOpa)2) on KK-A'y' mice
which used in this study as the model animals of type 2 diabetes, and
compared with its ligand, 6-ethoxy picolinic acid (6-EtOpa).
These mice were divided into three groups after the onset of diabetes
at 8 weeks of age, which were an untreated group, a 6-EtOpa treated
group, and a Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group.
They were given daily intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of each
material for a period of 2 weeks from 8th to 10th week of ages.
The dose of Zn(6-EtOpa)2 was 3 mg Zn/kg of body weight.
Each animal was examined for its body weight, food intake, blood
glucose level, glucose tolerance, HbA1c level, hematological status,
organ weight, and zinc and copper concentrations in the organs.
After 2 weeks of administration, the blood glucose level of KK-A'y'
mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed a significant decrease compared
to both of the 6-EtOpa and control groups.
Furthermore, the mice treated with Zn(6-EtOpa)2 showed decreasing
effect on HbA1c levels and increasing effect on glucose tolerance.
Zinc (II) concentration in the femur was significantly increased in
the Zn(6-EtOpa)2 treated group compared to the both of 6-EtOpa and
control groups.
Copper concentration was decreased significantly in both of femur and
femoris muscle.

Who loves ya.

Jesus Was A Vegetarian!

Man Is A Herbivore!
